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Red Sky Works

Receivables are assigned to Red Sky Enforcement Inc. (the "Agent"), a licensed collection agent with unique and exclusive access to an experienced legal team.  

The Agent administers the account and provides instructions to collections lawyers and other auxiliary service providers. The Agent bears all costs in connection with the enforcement of the account while providing regular reporting to the client.  

The Details

You and the Agent enter into a Master Assignment Agreement ("MAA"), the salient features of which are the following: 

Why Red Sky Works​

This proposition is designed to offer a streamlined, efficient program to extract value from what is historically written off.  It is designed to provide value at every step: (i) it is easy to access, (ii) it provides a cost-free administration system for you, (iii) and it promises to recover what we believe to be significantly greater recoveries than what is conventionally achieved 

There is no administration fee for this service.  It is based on the expertise developed over a combined 50 years of experience in the insolvency and collections sector.

Next Steps

We're happy to meet with you to discuss our services.

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